Praxis für Psychotherapie
– Selbstzahler und private Kassen –
Psychotherapy and Counselling in English
If German is not your first language it might be easier for you to talk about your symptoms, problems, conflicts and goals in English. I can offer you a treatment of psychosomatic disorders, anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress and acute crisis. Tools from Psychodynamic Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Traumatherapy are used and often combined to come to a quick stabilisation after struggling. This allows you to find your way back to yourself to balance your life. Further and individual information can be exchanged by email.

Facharztpraxis für Psychotherapie
Tiefenpsychologisch fundierte Psychotherapie
Traumatherapie, Hypnose,
Gesundheits- und Paarberatung
Rupertistr. 6, 83278 Traunstein

Dr. med. Birgit Hofbauer
Fachärztin für Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie
Termine nach Vereinbarung